Monday, September 3, 2012


In many of our minds life is about living it. It's about only having one and living it to the fullest and that is true but there's something wrong with how one views life, some have one problem for which they don't find a way of solving and the first thing that goes through their mind is suicide. This might not be you but look next to you, it could be that person. It could be your brother, your sister, your cousin, friend or that one person you just don't get along with. I don't expect to change anyone I just think we should take it easy and think for a minute. Life is so precious. No one should care who you are, what you believe in, what race, color, or sex you are, whether you're gay or straight suicide is never the answer to any of your problems. A study showed that the number of attempted suicide in teens increased form 6.3 in 2009 to a 7.8 in 2011. Not only are their attempts but many teens also have a suicide plan or suicidal thoughts. Cyberbullying has become a big issue now with the Internet being as powerful as it is, an example of cyberbullying is Tyler Clementi who died September 22, 2010. He was bullied by his room mate because he was gay, His roommate and a friend of his recorded Tyler kissing another man and spread this through out the Internet. After Tyler's death Dharun Ravi (Tyler's roommate) was sentenced to 30 days in jail, 3 years probation, 300 hours of community service, a $10,000 fine, and counseling on cyberbullying and alternate lifestyles. If you or one of your friends is being bullied stand up and say something to an adult, there are consequences out the for bullies. Forty-nine states in the US have passed a school anti-bullying legislation. So speak up.‪

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